Sähkö-Jokinen has designed a concrete pole base lifter to make installation and relocation of pole bases easier. The device is a trusted tool when, for example, a pole base is installed in a trench, needs to be loaded or unloaded from a truck, or relocated.
The lifting device can be used to raise Sähkö-Jokinen’s recessed-mounted bases with an inner hole diameter of Ø 140-260 mm. The base must not weigh more than 700 kilograms.
The lifter has been designed to add safety and stability to pole base lifting and moving. A straight-standing pole base can be lowered accurately, even into a narrow trench, so that its edges don’t crumble inward.
Koneurakointi Juha Mansikkaviita is one of them who has acquired a lifting device. He says that he acquired the lifting device to improve occupational safety and enhance the installation of the pole bases.
”Safety is highly valued in the workplace and is therefore constantly superviced more closely and official tools required. The use of lifting device will reduce our risks and we can focus more efficiently on doing the job. The bases also come straight at once and the installation is fast and efficient”, according to Mansikkaviita
More information https://sahkojokinen.fi/en/other-products/lifting-devices/